Sunday, August 28, 2011

She Made Me Do It

I haven't blogged regularly since Myspace became uncool. I have a livejournal, but for some reason I just never loved that site. I still have an OpenDiary out in the world. Actually...that was the only blog I EVER really regularly wrote in. But that was waaaaay back when, when I was a lowly undergraduate. I have a wedding blog, here, but that's mainly just to keep my lovely cousin informed of the planning happenings way over here in Oklahoma.

What I NEED is a space to let the crazy out. I should not speak the way I want to to most people, so here we go! A place I can show you whatever I want of my mad genius inherent stupidity true nature. And so, since Selina told me to, I'm starting another blog. But I'm too lazy to learn another website, so we're starting here on good ole Blogger!

You're here either because I love you enough say what I want around you, or I don't give a shit about what you think.

I'm sure I still won't post regularly, being that I am in my first year of school again, and the homework is already kinda brutal after the first week. But I'm here, not so queer, and I live to serve. Now I'm going to go get my bridesmaid dress altered. I leave you with some pics of my favorite antique store find from my time in Weatherford. Check you later, homies.

Oh, hi! I'm just a little turtle, sittin on your shelf.

What? Well, that's quite a rude request, but I guess I can show you....

BAM! Turtle dick.