I'm a bad person. If you really know me, you know this. I talk more shit than anyone I know, I make fun of every group of people imaginable, and I use horribly inappropriate slurs for fun. I'm lazy, I'm forgetful, and I am awful at keeping up with my friends. Know this, and know that you should never take anything I say seriously, because I have no right to claim knowledge on anything nor can I truly make fun of anyone being that I have so many faults.
Now, that being said, I can't help but automatically judge someone when I find out they are religious. And, the more religious, the more I judge them. Let's take it down to the basics here: if you're a Christian, you believe in the Bible. And yeah, there are those (smarter) Christians that see the Bible as an allegory and don't take most of it literally. They see that many of the silly rules (mixed fibers, no pork) are just remnants of an ancient society and that they don't really apply to society today. But....there are those fundamentalists that SAY they believe in every word (although they sure seem to pick and choose what they remember from it). And those people? I can't help but think they are either stupid as fuck or crazy as hell.
Really? You believe everything? Maybe you should read a little more. Do you believe that women have to cover their hair in church and that they should be kept apart when on their period? Killing your child because God told you to? Have you read the passages that condone slavery?
Anyway, it just makes me sad how much of this stupid country is ruled by silly little religious rules. Live life the way you want, try to spread your word but not force it. Lead by example, not by an iron fist. If gays want to marry, that's not going to keep you from going to heaven. If I want to kill a tiny bundle of cells in my damn body leave me be. How about you try to focus on education (sex ed, not abstinence, you idiots, it doesn't work) or on giving money to people that can't afford children? How about you adopt some kids instead of sitting back with a smug grin thinking you saved some babies by bombing a clinic?
Yeah, yeah, I'm ranting a bit. All I wanted to say is that I'm a judgmental bitch and if you tell me you believe the Bible is the word of God and that it is the truth that you must live by, I will think you are stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The end.