Friday, August 10, 2012


So, I apologize to all those who I have yet to fully thank for wedding gifts, or those that I haven't seen in some time, or any emails, texts, or voicemails that I have ignored. This summer seems to have been one long, extensive hibernation period for me. Working out my issues in therapy is helping, but it always gets worse before it gets better, especially with some of the shit I'm trying to handle right now. The thought of school or lab fills me with anxiety, to a point where I freeze up and can't handle the smallest thing. Its gotten better since being out of that awful first year, and I know this semester will not be as brutal. I feel like such a pussy. Its school, I'm getting paid to go, and if I can get my shit together I will have a fucking doctorate in Cell Biology. Which will look very very pretty on my C.V. I know I'm not the only one though, I've seen several classmates lose relationships, drink too much, or just feel generally shitty. But god do I wish I could be one of those that just lets it all roll off me like water. Anyway, I'm trying to get back into the game. Plan another movie night. Invite some classmates over for dinner next week to mourn the loss of summer. Get my damn wedding thank yous finished. Clean my bedroom. Buckle down and start really working on my labwork. Finish my presentation for next month early so I can practice it enough to not freak out over it. Baby steps! Also, try to write some non-whiny blogs. Yes.

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