Thursday, January 5, 2012


I gave up New Year's resolutions a few years ago because they were always the same and I never stuck with them like I wanted to. You know, cook more, work out more, etc. I decided to make one this year because I've gotten stuck in a rut of pseudo-depression and laziness this past year. My resolution is to be a better person, all around. I have problems keeping up with my friends and family, keeping close to my Michael, keeping up with my work and my school, and keeping up with my house and my mutts. So, I'm going to work at being more present and more aware, more grateful and more open, more active and more studious. I will strive to be a better friend, lover, sister, daughter, coworker, employee, classmate, and citizen. I want to like who I am. I don't feel like I should change my whole personality, but its just that the last year I spent far too much time doing nothing and feeling busy. Ever get into that cycle of depression where you sit around, maybe watching TV too much, or playing on the internet too much, or even just staring at the wall, and then you don't have time for cleaning, cooking, reading, talking, walking, or anything? That was most of my year. SO! Here we go, 2012, I have high hopes! I will celebrate 15 years with Michael this year, I will marry him this year, I will finish my first year of graduate school, I will help my mother through the first anniversary of the tornado, I will travel, I will eat delicious food, I will laugh and I will enjoy my life.

This post was brought to you by my head cold and Dayquil--my stomach is sore from coughing so much, my head feels stuffed with cotton, and my brain is moving so slowly that I'm sure this post sounds like it was written by a child or someone with alzheimers.

Edit: I totally forgot to mention that I will also turn 30 this year. This shows how little regard I have for age, it really doesn't bother me. But, I will not be married when I turn 30, that will make me an old maid!

1 comment:

  1. I resolved to not have resolutions then I promptly decided that I was going to live a healthier life style and deal with my social anxiety better.
    I think you are an amazing person. I think you are brave, brilliant, beautiful, quirky, and kind. Keep that in mind while you are improving you.
