Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Let's just say a few things about life right now.

Last week in Seattle for my ARVO conference was amazing.  The city is beautiful, I had a great time with my science-y friends, and my talk went great.  I've never felt so confident in front of a group of scientists.  I knew my research, I knew my talk, and the propanalol didn't hurt anything..... (shhhh....better living through chemistry).  I ate seafood every day and loved it, found out that there's a huge difference between the taste of different oysters (this restaurant had like 50 different ones to choose from, it was insane), found out how amazing fresh mussels are, and that I don't really prefer clams.  Ok, there's a lot more, but I'll put up a photo-rific post later on all of it.  Oh, and my phone was lost and/or stolen.  Luckily I had uploaded most of my pictures to my computer, but I still lost two amazing days' worth.  Wah waaaaaah.

Then, I get back.  And study, study, study.  For naught.  I did NOT pass this time on my oral exam.  It was a disaster and I don't even want to think about it.  Dr. Ding forced me (for good reason, I know) to think it over and write down the questions I didn't answer well, but after I did that I just wanted to forget for a while.  And so, I will come back to that list in a week.  Or two.  Or three.  There were four of us that took it and 2 passed.  Now on to my rewrite of my proposal, which I guess better be awesome possum after that fiasco.  I believe I will have to retake the oral in August, which means several more months of stress and studying.  Yay.

I'm going to ask Dr. Ding today for time off starting the end of next week, and Derrick and I are going to visit his sister in Ohio.  I want to go see my family, but since he has no one but Vasty in this entire countrycontinent, I decided my family can come later in the summer.  Hopefully I can use that time to destress, unwind, and forget about this b.s. for a little bit.  I haven't had a true, real vacation since school started.  I only took 3 days for my damn honeymoon for godsakes, and 12 hours of those three days were spent driving.  So if she doesn't approve after I ask her, I'm just going to have to TELL her I'm going.  Should be fun, but she's tiger-mom-dissappointed in me already for my exam so meh.

Other than that, I'm having ridiculous mood swings between sadness/anger/joy over my exam, my hatred of being in the lab right now, and my rather cute boyfriend.  Also, at my counselor's urging, last night began my two weeks of NO TV.  I waste too much time on it, and I need to do other things.  Yesterday evening was spent listening to music, playing in our new garden (pics to come), chatting, and eating the delicious red-red that I proudly made from scratch with no help from any Africans.  It was much better than previous nights of endless staring at a box.  I will have to break this two week stint for one thing though...the season finale of Bates Motel next Monday. 

Ok, off to actually work, and then the dreaded task of asking for vacation after spending a week in Seattle and then failing my test.  Yay.

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