Its been an awful week. For the country, and for me. Boston bombing, tornadoes, explosions, bullshit. I've been struggling to maintain a positive outlook on school and work, then as soon as I get there I deal with shit from my boss and shit from my exam committee. I spent the entire day today either shaking from anger or crying from stress.
So, in this mood, I almost got into several full blown Facebook fights. Stupid. But JESUS CHRIST (heh) Christianity sometimes really seems to be what is wrong with this fucking country. I'm going to go on an angry rant here, and probably make some generalizations I wouldn't normally make just because I'm so super peeved.
Let's start with gay marriage. Who the fuck are you to say anything about it? Who the fuck are you to care? It has NOTHING, and I repeat, NOOOOOTTTTHHHIIIINNGG to do with you unless you really want it to. Don't like gays? Don't hang out with them. Don't watch LOGO. Don't get married to someone of your sex. Boom. Done. There is absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be legal. Oh sorry, I meant no good reason. There are actually 2 reasons. 1. Its against your religion. So fucking what? Its also against your religion to lie, to touch a woman on her period, to eat shellfish, or to be greedy. We gonna outlaw that shit? NO. 2. Its icky. Well, there are a shitload of people that I think are icky and shouldn't be having sex. But I'm not going to tell them not to, because I DON'T HAVE TO WATCH OR BE INVOLVED IN ANY WAY. So fuck you.
What's next? How about abstinence only education? Or no sex ed at all, because no teenager should be learning that shit! Look it up people, that shit doesn't work. Teens have sex. Sure, not all of them. But a lot of them will. And if they don't know anything about it, they're going to get pregnant or get STDs. Look at the statistics of teen pregnancy rates in states with comprehensive sex ed compared with abstinence only, then tell me what you think. Fuck you.
Abortion. If you think a sperm meeting with an egg makes a human life right off the bat? I've got nothing to say to you, except get some fucking education. Also, if you think sucking a ball of cells out of a woman's vagina is worse than a person having a kid they can't or don't want to take care of, I got nothing to say to you either. It seems to be true with many I talk to that they only care about a baby until its actually born, then they don't give a shit what happens to it. So, fuck you.
I got a lot more fuck you in me, but I think I'll let it rest for now and get my blood pressure down by taking a shower with a hot African guy then studying chromatin immunoprecipitation while listening to reggae.
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