Thursday, January 17, 2013

People are made of meat.

I'm determined to write a non-sad, non-relationship related post.  That shit gets boring.  Let's talk about my overly-fascinating life instead!

My narcissistic side copied Dan from Single Dad Laughing and made a little sidebar gadget over there to tell you what I'm loving right now.  In case you're interested in my exquisite tastes.  You know you are.

I'm learning all about green card issues from several different angles right now, and it all serves to make me very glad I was born in this country.  That shit is stressful!  One of our postdocs is working on his green card based on his career, and is going to end up spending over $10,000 to get it.  BUT--he's FINALLY in the final stages of it, so yay!  We're throwing him a party when that shit goes through, he's been dealing with it forever.  There's also the issues of my boy's green card, but that's a conversation for another day.  Suffice it to say it is stressful knowing that at some point your man could go into "expired" status and fear deportation.  It has happened to one of his family members in the past, and it sucks balls.  But I have faith it will all work out fine.

This motherfucker here has got me liking one of the very few musical genres I have historically always hated.  Reggae has always been up there with new country in my "Ok, a COUPLE songs are ok, but mostly this shit is balltastic!"  But, being around someone who listens to reggae a minimum of 2 hours a day gets you to the point where its almost a defense mechanism to start loving some of that shit.  I've always kinda been the kind of person that ends up liking a song when they know all the lyrics, no matter what my opinion of it was the first time I heard it (hence my love of 90s soft rock, from so many hours of riding in the car with my father and stepmom).  So, I now have a vast library of reggae that I know all the lyrics to, and I can tell the difference between Peter Tosh and Culture from the first line of a song.  I've seen the Bob Marley documentary more times than I'd like to admit, and I know too much about stupid rastafarianism (such as the fact that they hate that word).  Don't worry, I think that anyone who believes Haile Selassie actually was the second coming of Jesus is dumb as hell.  I do like that they promote vegetarianism, keeping your hair natural, and not wearing makeup.  But any Bible based religion will always hold women as less than men, so fuck that shit.  Fuck you Bible.  :-P 

I still hate the song No Woman No Cry.

My foster kitty has ringworm, and I'm trying as hard as possible to keep it from spreading.  I am keeping a mother cat and her 6 (!) kittens in the spare bedroom, and praying they don't get it.  And that no humans get it.  Tonight will be fun, we're going to give her a dip!  She'll smell like sulfur and scratch the shit out of us.  Then, its a fun evening of steam cleaning the carpet!  Yay!

In other news, anyone want to adopt a kitten?  Eh?

In watching my food intake compared to my general health, I've noticed something disturbing.  I've noticed that I should probably cut bread out of my diet.  This isn't a total disaster, as most of what we eat are yummy stews with rice or some sort of cassava based starchy substance (fufu FTW!).  But it still sucks for this bread-loving woman of Irish descent.  No more sweet sweet Barnes bread from the African market.  No more Hawaiian sweet rolls stuffed with goat stew.  :(  But, it will be worth it to get away from the horrible acid reflux that bread seems to cause and the awful headaches I have when I've been eating bread and stop (food withdrawals are not awesome). 

I am ridiculously poor right now.  Its not so bad, considering the boy is very good at taking random shit from the pantry and making delicious meals.  But I would like to suddenly have my debt wiped away.  That would be awesome..........

I've been listening to KOSU almost nonstop lately.  Its either NPR, or it is music that makes me happy.  Derrick's little heart almost burst when we were on our way to the Great Salt Plains State Park on Sunday and they played a block of reggae.  Reggae on a station in Oklahoma?  He was in heaven.  Then I got the same treatment driving home 2 nights ago and I heard Salem.  SALEM!  On the radio!  In Oklahoma!  I could have died right then.  Side story--D said when he first moved to this country he asked his sister how many reggae stations there were in Oklahoma and when she said none he was devastated.  Side note--if you haven't heard Salem GET ON THAT SHIT.  Start with the song King Night.  Although Sick is my personal favorite.

Ok, that's the main news in my life.  Hope you enjoyed this view into my cluttered little head.

1 comment:

  1. Your "what I'm loving right now" is a totally acceptable way to update us about your life. It doesn't appear to keep a log like my "Current Obessions" posts, but it's a nice way to write about yourself that requires almost no effort.

    Every time I hear reggae I think of the "righteous dub" from Neuromancer, and then I think of the hilarious Rastafarian space culture that Gibson created, and that makes me want to listen to more reggae. But then I don't, because I don't know where to start. You should recommend me some stuff.

    Also, you should send me a recipe for African stew. It sounds like the kind of cooking going on is the kind that involves just throwing stuff in a pot until it tastes good, but I'd appreciate it if you could find something approximate to what you've been eating.

    That was a stupidly long comment. I'm going to go find those Salem songs now.
